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Armed to Innovate: Level 1
Intro to Collectively Tangled (0:49)
Armed to Innovate Level 1 - Course Intro (2:01)
What is mental healthy, really? (3:39)
Mental health and me (1:04)
Reflection: Mental health and me
Part 1: Understanding Stress
Intro to Part 1: Understanding Stress (1:24)
What is stress, really? (5:19)
Stress is a messenger: The stress response (5:10)
Different kinds of stress (2:04)
Activity: Signs of chronic stress
Your experiences with stress (1:33)
Reflection: Your experiences with stress
Recognizing Stress (2:43)
Let's Talk About Stress Worksheet
Part 2: Getting Cognitive
Intro to Part 2: Getting Cognitive (1:25)
The Cognitive Triangle (10:28)
Activity: The Cognitive Triangle
Practicing the Triangle (4:01)
Reflection: Patterns and connections
Opportunities for change (3:59)
Activity: Opportunities for change
Prioritizing practice: Introducing Implement, Integrate, and Impact (2:45)
Reflection: Implement
Integrate (0:45)
Reflection: Integrate
Impact (0:37)
Reflection: Impact
The Cognitive Triangle Worksheet
Part 3: Getting Emotional
Intro to Part 3: Getting Emotional (0:59)
What are emotions, really? (5:11)
Reflection: Feeling about feelings
Getting stuck (2:16)
Reflection: Getting stuck
Moving through feelings (6:08)
Practicing moving through feelings (4:32)
What do we need? (4:13)
Activity: Emotions and needs
Implement, Integrate, and Impact (2:14)
Reflection: Implement, Integrate, and Impact
The Emotions Matrix Worksheet
Part 4: Getting (Un)Stressed
Intro to Part 4: Getting (Un)Stressed (1:26)
The Stress Levels Tool (5:19)
Stress Levels: Green Zone (2:04)
Activity: Stress Levels
Stress Levels: Red Zone (2:50)
Activity: Stress Levels
Buffers (4:04)
Stress Buffers Worksheet
Address and Adapt (1:57)
Activity: Address and Adapt
Stress Levels: The Right Side (1:50)
Activity: Stress Levels
Window of Tolerance (4:12)
Reflection: Prioritizing mental health
Implement, Integrate, and Impact (3:46)
Reflection: Implement, Integrate, and Impact
Stress Levels Worksheet
That's a wrap! (1:02)
What is mental healthy, really?
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